Friday, January 4, 2013

More Guests


Last week, and the upcoming one, have been/are very typical. A wave of not much to do (aside from the tedium of everyday normal stuff, followed by a time of overload! Beginning in about an hour, I will have non-stop stuff to do starting with a new family here to adopt for lunch. No, I'm not going to eat them, I will SERVE them lunch. After that, in the afternoon, I want to paint a wall that really needs it badly! When we were back in the States last time, my househelper had a friend over, and her guest's toddler peeled off large sheets of the wallpaper!

Then, I must get the guestroom ready for our next guest coming- a single gal coming to look at teams here in our country. She'll be with us for 3 days. No, we don't have a guest room, the 2 youngest get kicked out of their room, and will sleep on the floor. They love it because to them it will be a sleepover-style party.

The gas line is being laid today in front of our house! The second phase, that is. We are really praying hard that they don't dig up our water, sewer or phone lines in the process. We joke around here about the day being a 5-Star day when everything is on and working. (That would be phone, cooking propane, electricity, water and internet) With the digging, it could quickly turn into a 2-Star day. We have some filled up buckets just in case!

Well, this will be it until the week after next. I'll be gone to the capitol city all next week for a conference. Until then, Every Blessing!

Your SteppeSister

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