Friday, January 4, 2013

Tea Parties and Birthday Cherry Pie


Cherry pie for a birthday??!! You bet! The Water Guy loved his pie, although it did end up having quite a freezer taste to it. I should have put the cherries from last spring into Ziplocks, but those are so few and precious! Ah well... it was a nice break from our usual apples, mandarin oranges, and persimmons we eat all winter long.

NariLoo has been hosting some wonderful tea parties lately. All of her "friends" enjoy her special cakes and tea, and there's always plenty to go around. It just doesn't get any cuter than that!

The girls and I spent a chilly time working on the grape vines that all must come down before too much longer. We enlisted the help of a neighbor today, and he will finish the job of getting them off the treliss and buried over the next few days. It is HARD work and cold to boot.

Meantime, we will have a friend visiting from the big city over the next couple of days, so we will be busy hosting. This friend has never been this far into our country, and we are sure he will enjoy the authentic culture and flavors of this territory.

The Away One enjoyed his first DANCE!!!!! last Saturday night! He says he actually danced and even enjoyed it. We are dumbfounded! When I get my hands on the photo CD, I'll post a couple. He says his class has 100% participation for all of the spirit days, and he is looking forward to crazy hair day. He also says that he promises to get his hair cut afterwards :)

Have great day everyone!

Steppe Sister

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