Friday, January 4, 2013

Freeze dried Laundry


Sorry it's been a spell since last posting! We had a guest stay for most of last week, and Mondays are always full playing catch up. We have a family policy to not turn on the 'puter on Sundays, so that day was out too. So, finally, Monday late afternoon, I can finally get something up :)

Our visitor brought us lots of words of encouragement and plenty of laughs and fellowship. This is always so nice ! We even had time to play a game of Settlers, and the kids enjoyed a game of Risk with him. Nice!

Bought our tickets to Dubai today! What a smokin' deal at $425 per adult (1/2 that for kids)! Too bad it's soooo expensive to stay there. But, hey, you take what you can get. It will be a nice break for us all, and we are looking forward to the warm beaches and ethnic restaurants.

Mike wanted to get away to Thailand this January, but it just isn't going to work out. We have no one to watch the kids, so we will have to wait on that. He really wanted to take in a hydrogeology conference, as he has not had any continuing ed. in his field since we left almost 8 years ago. That, and my bone density scan, will now have to wait until at least June, when we think about it again. The good thing about waiting to see if Thailand will work out, is that it will be our 20th anniversary and the prices will be less than half of what they are in January; the downside is that it will be HOT season!

Here is that pic. I wanted to post of the icicles on our laundry- too funny! By the way, that part has STILL not arrived. More handwashing :(

Thanksgiving will be a very small affair this year. Only our own family, minus The Away One. Very large bummer. I just can't get used to the idea of cooking such a large meal for only 6 people- half of whom eat so little. Nevertheless, we will enjoy the 2 cans of cranberry sauce we had our guest bring us from the big city, and I will make the stuffing bread cubes today from the 2 loaves of bread. We can get celery now, so that's a very large bonus! Did I tell you my househelper also found sweet potatoes a couple of weeks ago, and the seller told her they'd have a new shipment in on Thursday. Hurray!
Well, that's all for now! Enjoy your preparations for family and fun!
Much love,
Your SteppeSister

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