Friday, January 4, 2013

The Holidays Have Arrived

Posted November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving, come and gone! It is very anti-climactic to cook a huge dinner only to have just us, I think. I think my parents and sisters would agree that holidays are meant for friends and family- in the extended sense. Yes, our Thanksgiving was nice, just not "merry" as one might say. Our dinner was yummy, but the holidays are so much more that just about food. 

Saturday we met all 5 Peace Corps workers in our area at a get together. You'll be happy to know that you hard-earned tax dollars are hard at work buying HUGE amount of beer, and that they are doing all they can to represent Americans as fun-loving drunks devoted to all things comsumer. On Thursday, 2 of them and myselft hosted (along with our national friend running the lang. center) an English lesson/dinner all about Thanksgiving. Whereas my part of the lesson focused on being thankful for our blessings and the history of the holiday including the part that the immigrants were looking for a place to worship as they saw fit, the other workers made sure that everyone learned about Black Friday, the Macy's Day parade, and ( I swear this is true!) how one of their family's traditions is to have an eating contest to see who could eat the most. I was truly saddened and angry that my country was being represented this way! What a shame!

On a happy note, the washing machine part has arrived and The Water Guy will likely have time tomorrow to put it in and try it out. Yippee!! He has also decided for certain that he will go to Bangkok for a geologist's conference this Jan. We are hoping that Thailand can get their act together in time to open the airport for his travel. I feel sorry for the people stuck there!! (and a little jealous too!- tee hee)

I wish I had some new pictures for you, but sadly we are very lame in that department! I'll try harder to have some things for you to look at soon.

We have a guest coming in Friday, and I'll try to post one more time before she comes. I will be away from Monday until the following Friday, so posts may be sparse in the coming days. I apologize.

One more thing, if you can think about it... Macaroni needs a new passport before our trip to Dubai in March! The only trip we had planned is mine next week, so even though it still has until June left on it, we need to take care of it now. Bad news is that if both parents don't come in for document submittal and affidavit must be signed/ notarized. Here that means a lengthy translation project, extra time, stress and now money (since Macaroni must now travel with me to the big city). Ugh!!! I guess red tape exists everywhere; you can't escape it!!

Unti next time,

Your SteppeSister

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